
We Do

5 Reasons to Get Involved!


COMMUNITY SERVICE. Looking to make a positive impact? From hosting events for foster children to dressing up as Santa and donating toys, the Jaycees help out the Pasadena community
year round.


MAKE NEW FRIENDS. We’re young. We’re fun. And we get things done! In addition to our charitable projects, we have monthly mixers, go to sporting events together, and more!


TRAVEL. We participate in a homestay exchange program with Kasukabe, Japan. Alternating host locations, one chapter sends members (and local high schoolers) to experience the other’s country + culture.


NETWORK. Each event and mixer is a great opportunity to network and connect with other young business people in the Pasadena area.


LEADERSHIP. Through the various projects and fundraisers we hold, there are endless options to hone your leadership skills.

Upcoming Events

Saturday, February 15
Wednesday, February 19
  • Website Meeting

    Wednesday, February 19  5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
    474 W Walnut St Pasadena, CA, United States

    Website and Marketing Meeting

    See more details